Divya Pharmacy Package for Rheumatism
Package Included
Part A Medicine:
Divya Sarvakalpa Kwath (Pack size: 100 gm)
Divya Peedantaka Kwath (Pack size: 200 gm)
Mode of Administration:
Mix both the medicines and boil in 400 ml of water till the residue remains as 100 ml. Filter and drink in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.
Part B Medicine:
Divya Ajmodadi Churna (Pack size: 100 gm)
Divya Amavatari Ras (Pack size: 40 gm)
Mode of Administration:
Take half-a-spoon of Ajmodadi churna and 2-2 tablets of amvatari ras in the morning and evening. With the above mentioned decoction.
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