Divya Pharmacy Ayurvedic Package for Multiple Sclerosis
Part A Medicine:
Mode of Administration:
Part B Medicine:
Part C Medicine
The Ramdev Ayurvedic Package for Multiple Sclerosis is a comprehensive program that includes herbal supplements and oils to help manage the condition. The package may include:
1. Divya Ekangveer Ras: A herbal supplement to reduce inflammation and modulate immunity.
2. Divya Maha Vata Vidhvamsana Rasa: An herbal supplement to enhance overall health and well-being.
3.Divya Pravala Pisit : A herbal supplement to boost immunity and cognitive function.
4. Divya Ashwagandha Churna: A herbal powder to support nerve health and strength.
5. Divya Chandra prbha: A herbal supplements to promote relaxation and reduce muscle spasms.
6. Divya Tulsighab vati: A herbal supplements to reduce inflammation and promote nerve health.
7. Divya Giloyghan Vati: A herbal supplement to enhance overall health and vitality.
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